Monday, June 21, 2021

Why Australia is all class ...


Excellent condition. PB. 339pp. New & Revised Edition. $25 including postage anywhere in Australia.
In this timely revision of an important and groundbreaking book Class in Australia well known writer and social commentator Craig McGregor re-examines contemporary Australian society and discovers that an upper, middle and working class, and a growing underclass, are still firmly in place.
Class in Australia considers the history and membership of each class, and the determinants of class, including occupation, wealth and family background.
Politics is bound up with class in Australia. Craig McGregor puts under the microscope the increasing defection of the working class from its traditional ally the ALP, and the growing dissatisfaction of the middle classes with both major parties.
Classic studies of class are reinforced with profiles of individuals in this thought-provoking and provocative text.
Class in Australia is a must have for all those with an interest in Australian society and where it is heading. It is a book that should be read by every Australian.

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