Thursday, July 01, 2021

An important message from the Premier of Western Australia


My fellow West Australians.

As you all know, people over east look down on us. They accuse us of being uneducated, of being a bunch of bogans and of having the worst newspaper in Australia.

The time has come to prove them wrong. Let's show them we know how to read, that we also love books.

I'm therefore pleased to tell you all that Planet Irf Books are extending their sale beyond the end of the last financial year. Indeed, the sale will continue until the end of the Sydney lockdown. The way they manage Covid over there, I estimate that will likely be the year 2,956.

That allows us Westies to grab books at $5 off the marked price. And because the books are second hand, there's no GST. Which makes sense because we never seem to get enough GST anyway.

Plus those Easties at Planet Irf Books will be paying all the postage. That means some Aussie Post truckie will be driving across the Nullarbor to deliver our books at no extra cost.

But most of all, you'll be helping Irf, an otherwise proud Eastie, to raise some much needed dosh so he can move over here, jump into the 50 metre Aqua Jetty pool and do some laps and shed some kilos in my Covid-free electorate

So let's take advantage this opportunity to prove our literacy and simultaneously rip off the Easties by buying heaps of books cheaper than the chips at said Aqua Jetty.

Simultaneously. Now that's a big word.


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