Thursday, July 01, 2021

Australian politics past and present through a Labor lens


Ex-library. Mint condition. PB. 212pp. $20 including postage anywhere in Australia.
The book asks how a nation with the developed world's best economy has a dimmer view of its performance than some of the basket case economies of southern Europe have of their own, and how a country that escaped recession and mass unemployment despite the biggest global downturn since the Great Depression got so down on itself.
It is a Labor insiders' account of politics and policy in Australia during the global financial crisis, which finds in a lethal combination of right-wing hyper-partisanship and misaligned incentives in our politics the root causes of Australia's lack of confidence and its deficit of national self-esteem.
It provides a unique perspective on economics and national identity, concluding that if we don't choose a future less consumed by the poisonous politics of recent years we will squander our tremendous national advantages and momentum, and compromise our ability to tackle the socio-economic challenges of the coming decades as successfully as we have navigated those just past.

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